Pour joindre Stéphan Daigle


Comme nombre d'artistes, au fil des années, ma pratique artistique a emprunté différents sentiers qui se sont enrichis mutuellement. Ce blogue me permet de présenter au public mes différentes recherches tout en m'offrant la possibilité d'un regard critique sur mon cheminement.

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Stéphan Daigle

jeudi 9 octobre 2008

The Art of Stéphan Daigle

Born in Montreal, Canada in 1951, Stéphan Daigle has built since the eighties an international reputation as a painter and illustrator. His works has been exhibited in Tokyo, Paris, London, New York, Toronto and Montreal.

His richly detailed allegorical works are made of interrelated symbols and figures. These elements, which he often repeats to create dramatic backgrounds and textures, imbue each of his images with a deep feeling of reverence for Life.

Stéphan Daigle has found his roots in the very same breeding ground as the so-called Primitive Art. He consider the practice of art as a religious one in his essence. He claimed the influences of modern masters such as Kandinsky, Klee, Ernst, Dubuffet, Escher, Matisse and Hunterwasser.

His illustrations and paintings have been knowned to be published in Japan, Korea, France, Spain, Italy,Germany, Sweden, England, Brazil, Argentina, Chilli, Australia, United States and Canada.

The most important of the virtual image collections on the web are showing some of his creations.

His works are part of national, corporate of private collections.

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